
Theses at the Sheffield Scientific School.

The following men have been appointed to read theses at the graduating exercises of the Sheffield Scientific School: Francis M. Adams, New Haven, Conn., "The Magnetization of Iron"; Bertram B. Boltwood, Castleton, N. Y., "Iso-Nitroso Cyanacetic Ester"; Walter L. Caldwell, Essex, England, "Bridge Failures; Their Causes and Prevention"; Walter E. Coe, Meriden. Conn., "The Economic Development of New England in the Seventeenth Century"; Wesley R. Coe, Middlefield, Cohn., "The Anatomy and Habits of Cerebratulus Ingens"; Samuel A. Harsh, Denver, Col., "Mine Surveying"; Norman D. Halus, Chicago, III,, "Economic Development of Virginia"; Gustave E. Huttelmaier, Knoxville, Tenn., "Transmission of Power by Compressed Air"; Theodore C. Janeway, New York City, "Products of the Digestive Action of Bromelin on Fibrin"; John K. Punderford, New Haven, Conn., "Electric Trolley Roads"; Paul Sterling, Bridgeport, Conn., "The Westinghouse Automatic Air-Brake"; James G. Stokes, New York City, "The Heredity of Disease"; Charles M. Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y., "Products of the Growth of the Bacillus Anthrachis."
