
Special Notice.

WILL the man who took a package of gauze underwear by mistake from Mr. Marks' barber shop on Holyoke Street Tuesday morning, please return the same to the barber shop or to Leavitt & Peirce's. 3t.GERMAN A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, E; French A, 1a, 1b, 2; Tutoring. Also with conditioned men and in every subject required for admission. Is willing to go away tutoring.

J. M. KAGAN '94,

ry 10 Church St.WANTED. - A study table or desk (flat top), and rovolving bookcase; cherry or mahogany. Please send size and price, with address.


2t 13 Sumner Street.THE Harvard Co-operative Society will pay cash for second hand copies of Hart's "Topical Outline," if in good condition.


2t C. D. LYFORD, Sup't.TUTORING in Math. E and Physics B.


4t 18 Hollis.WANTED. - A competent tutor in Zoo. II. Exam. on Monday. Leave address at Leavitt & Peirce's.

LOST. - Thursday evening on Holmes Field, a silver key chain with bunch of keys. Finder please return to T. C. Tebbetts, 32 H'ke House.

THE Harvard Crew at Work. - "Sport, Music and Drama," Official Organ United States National Lawn Tennis Association (out today), contains an article on the Harvard crew, with portraits of the men. Also a handsomely illustrated article on the Suburban Handicap. Howard's Feuilleton printed exclusively for this paper. For sale by all newsdealers.

SPORT, MUSIC AND DRAMA,67 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
