There are in the life of a college class very few occasions on which the class as a whole is brought together in a social way. There are very few times when anything like a genuine spirit of class attachment exists to make men feel that the ties of classmateship are something more than a mere name. The few class meetings which are held during the college course help in a slight way to promote this feeling of attachment to the class and a realization of what a class really means and stands for; but there is hardly anything which knits a class together more firmly than the class dinners. The junior dinner is always a good beginning and the senior dinner, coming at a time just before the class breaks up and goes out into various parts of the world, is the final knot which binds the friendships firm for the future.
The class of Ninety-two holds its senior dinner on June 27, the Monday before Commencement. As the dinner is to be free, no one can feel that the expense should keep him away. It is the last chance which Ninety-two will have to come together for social purposes. Class re-unions after graduation are always pleasant but the way in which the members of the class scatter themselves over the face of the earth makes a large attendance impossible. This year, however, the class has not yet separated; the men are still in Cambridge with their work all done, waiting to graduate. It is the one chance in the whole life of the class when they can all come together, and every member of Ninety-two should feel it not only his duty but his privilege to attend the dinner.
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