
Important Class Day Notice.

The Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D. D., in Appleton Chapel, Sunday, June 19, at 4 p. m. Seats will be reserved for members of the Faculty. The senior class will form in front of Holworthy at 3.40 p. m., sharp, and will march to the seats reserved for them in the Chapel. Every member of the class is urged to be in front of Holworthy, promptly at 3.30 p. m. Caps and gowns will be worn.

Sales of tickets to all members of the University will take place at the rear window of 10 Holworthy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20, 21 and 22, from 1.30 to 3.30 p. m. The price of tickets will be: Yard tickets, 25 cents: Memorial, $1.50; Tree, $1.75.

Every purchaser of a ticket, agrees not to sell, barter, or part with for any consideration, any Class Day tickets except to the Class Day Committee.

Seniors themselves need tickets to gain admission to the college yard, to Memorial Hall, or to the Gymnasium during Class Day evening. No return tickets will be given so that every person not provided with a Memorial ticket who wishes to enter the yard after 5 p. m. must have a yard ticket which will not be collected until 8.30. A yard ticket will admit until 9 p. m. A Memorial ticket is good throughout the evening. Persons having Memorial tickets do not need yard tickets.

Mr. Jones will be in Harvard Hall June 20, 21, 22 and 23, and Class Day from 2 to 3, to give Yard tickets to graduates. Graduates will not be given tree tickets this year but they will march to the Tree in a body.


Seniors are again reminded that all Yard and Memorial tickets must be signed on the lines provided for that purpose.

ARTHUR R. CRANDELL,Chairman Class Day Comm.
