
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in German 16.

Work was begun yesterday on the seats for the Tree.

Two-thirda of Yale's graduating class are protectionists.

Ground has been broken at Andover for a $1,500 athletic building.

It is said that Hartwell of Yale, has been secured to coach the Lehigh foot ball team next season.


The total membership of Greek letter societies in the American colleges is estimated at 77,000.

J. W. D. Ingersoll, of Illinois, has been appointed valedictorian of the graduating class at Yale.

A. A. Stagg, Yale '88, will have charge of the athletics at the Lake Geneva College conference.

Bailey, the champion amateur runner of North and South Dakota, intends to enter Andover next year.

Memorial Hall's new windows are on exhibition at New York. They are the gift of the class of '74.

Leland Stanford Jr., University is the only American college allowing free tuition in all its branches.

President Hyde of Bowdoin College delivered the address at the Lasell Commencement on Wednesday.

Wesleyan students have pledged $5,240 toward the erection of a new Y. M. C. A. building in Middleton, Conn.

The University of Vermont base ball team, which Harvard plays today, defeated Wesleyan on Wednesday by a score of 7 to 6.

Dr. Charles B. Davenport will be at the lecture room of Agassiz Museum tomorrow to answer all questions relating to Zoology 2.

Long now holds the Milton all-around field cup of the B. A. A., having won it a second time by a score of 700 points out of a possible 900.

On Wednesday, Amherst defeated Williams by a score 6 to 3. This ties Williams and Amherst for second place in the league and two more games will be played to settle.

The Princeton Tiger board have made the following elections for next year: Managing editor. H. R. Daniels '93; business manager, T. B. Turner '93. W. J. Grandin Jr., '94, has also been elected to the board.

At their meeting on Tuesday the trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, by a vote of 19 to 3, removed Professor Thompson from the chair of History and Professor Dolley from the chair of General Biology.

On Wednesday, the Cornell crew was victorious for the 16th consecutive time over the University of Pennsylvania. The time was: Cornell, 17m. 26s.; Pennsylvania, 17m. 49 1-4s. The average weights are as follows: Cornell 166 1-4, University of Pennsylvania, 163 7-8 pounds.
