
The Yale Dining Hall.

A dining association has been formed at Yale and the old gymnasium will be used as the dining hall. The gymnasium will undergo extensive alterations during the summer and will be equipped with the best and most modern appliances for quick service, at a cost of from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars. The dining hall will seat between 400 and 500 men. The basement is to be filled with ovens, kitchens, ice chests, etc., and made complete in every way. Breakfast will be served until ten o'clock, lunch at noon and dinner at six.

The rules governing the association are very similar to those at Memorial Hall. Membership may be gained by signing the application book and club tables will be assigned to groups of twelve men in the order in which the applications are received. There will be an extra list and visitors may dine at the hall. The price of board will be the actual cost which will approximate to four dollars per week.


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