The following men have been appointed to read theses at the Sheffield graduating exercises:
Samuel A. Harsh, Denver, Col., Mine Surveying.
Paul Sterling, Bridgeport, Conn, The Westinghouse Automatic Air Brake.
John K. Punderford, New Haven, Conn., Electric Trolley Roads.
Walter L. Caldwell, Essex, England, Bridge Failures; their causes and Prevention.
Theodore C. Janeway, New York City, A Study of the Products of the Digestive Action of Bromelin on Fibrin.
Charles M. Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y., On Certain Products of the Growth of the Bacillus Anthracis.
Gustave E. Huttelmaier, Knoxville, Tenn., Transmission of Power by Compressed Air.
Norman D. Harris, Chicago, III., Economic Development of Virginia.
Wesley R. Coe, Middlefield, Conn., The Anatomy and Habits of Cerebratulus Ingens.
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