
Fact and Rumor.

It is reported that the Brown team may play during the entire summer.

Swayne of Yale won the 220 in 22 2-5 s., at the N. Y. A. Club meet Saturday.

The four mile rowing course at New London was flagged by the authorities last week.

Princeton now has nine dormitories possessing in all accommodations for about 850 students.

There were 6.000 people at the New York Athletic Club games Saturday. 15 out of 17 events were scratch.


At the Princeton class games, Saturday, three college records were broken. McLanahan the 120 hurdle, Gradinthe, 2 mile bicycle race, Borcheling the mile walk.

Timothy Hopkins, recently treasurer of the Southern Pacifice Railway, has presented his collection of railroad books, numbering 1,000 volumes, to Leland Stanford University.

Probably the oldest known specimens of recorded language in the world are the inscriptions on the door sockets and brick stamps found at Niffer by the Babylonian exploration expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, which has recently recently.

At a meeting of the Yale '94 nine which was held recently the members unanimously voted to play no more games this season, in view of the recent death of their captain, Wilkins Rustin. It was agreed by the Sophomore and Freshmen nines to decide the class championship, for which they were tied, by a toss, and this was won by Ninety-four.

The appointments of speakers for the Hardy prize at Amherst have been announced as follows: A. E. Ewing, R. T. Goodell, J. H. Grant, M. A. Johnson, J. K. Kollock, W. H. Lewis, W. B. Perry and S. H. Ransom. The prizes are of $50 and $30 and were given by the late Alpheus Hardy to members of the senior class for improvement in extemporaneous speaking.
