

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

SIRS: - Perhaps the part of Class Day that creates most wide-spread excitement is the exercises at the tree. It is only natural that there should be an excited curiosity attending these exercises, for when one enters the enclosure one can never tell what one will see before one comes away. For the last few years past of what one has seen has been disgraceful. A certain amount of good, natural "scrapping" adds to the fun, but when men get to fighting so that their classmates have to pull them apart it is disgusting, and it must be especially so to the ladies, for whom these exercises are chiefly given. Again, when men go into the struggle wearing such clothes that they are immediately torn from their backs and they have to leave the field covered with borrowed garments the ridiculous disappears in the revolting. Now would it be asking too much of the committee who has charge of the tree to see to it that every man who wishes to take part in the struggle shall be clad in a foot ball suit or something which will not be likely to leave him in puris naturalibus and also to require the participants to refrain from settling private feuds at this time. Surely it would be better to be able to look back at the last occasion on which the class meet together as undergraduates as one where every man showed that he had laid to heart the lessons of his Alma Mater than as one where the men retrograded to the schoolboy manners of four years ago.
