
Special Notice.

POLITICAL Economy 5 and History 27. Tutoring.

F. W. DALLINGER,384 Broadway.TUTORING in Spanish 1. Italian 1.

F. C. COMMONS '92,


18 Hollis.WILL the man who borrowed Vol XVII of my "Encyclopedia Britannica" please return it to me at once.


F. W. JOHNSON,46 Beck.John S. Cranston, Samuel K. Sanford, and James B. Niver have recently been appointed General Managers of the Equitable Life Assurance Society with headquarters at the Equitable Building, Boston. Enterprising and ambitious young men will do well to consult the above firm before securing positions elsewhere.

tf.ENGLISH IX Tutoring. - All authors, books and subjects since the mid-years will be carefully reviewed and criticised.

P. L. HORNE,2t

Stoughton 11.LOST. - A steel rod umbrella. Please return to Leavitt & Peirce.

SEMINAR tonight, Spanish I. - All sections of Eco de Madrid read in class will be reviewed and translated idiomatically. Speclal attention will be given to those sections upon which the composition will be based. Price $2.00, 7.30 p. m.

WILLIAM C. DAMON '92,Stoughton 11.FRENCH 1a, A. 6, 9. - Corrected exercises in French 1a, Sections 2 (Dr. Marcou's) and 4 (Mr. Henckel's) have been placed in Sever 23, as well as some corrected exercises in French A, Section 1, and some themes in French 6 and 9.


