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It is unfortunate that such an interesting lecture as Professor Putnam's promises to be should come so late in the year when people are apt to be busy. It is unfortunate for the subject on which Professor Putnam is to speak is one which is general enough to interest everyone, no matter what his own specialty may be , and it is moreover one which is attractive from its very novelty. There are probably very few men in college who have given much attention to a study of American archaeology, and yet the number is still fewer of those who would not be interested in an illustrated lecture on that subject. Besides speaking of this comparatively newly born study, Professor Putnam will couple his remarks on this subject with a talk about the World's Fair. This will be practically the first opportunity which students will have of hearing an intelligent talk on the World's Fair. We hope that a large number of men can spare the time this evening to attend what promises to be a very entertaining lecture.
