
Fact and Rumor.

Oxford University has 2,420 students.

The University of Paris has 9115 students.

There are 208 Americans at the University of Berlin.

Eighteen spectators attended a class game at Yale last week.

Lansing has caught five years for the University of Pennsylvania nine.


The University of Chicago expects to open next fall with at least 800 students.

W. P. Graves, Yale '91, has an article in the Phillips Andover Mirror on "Yale."

The graduating class at Smith numbers about one hundred, and at Vassar fifty-four.

Pierce and Pickard of Bowdoin won the double championship in the Maine Inter-collegiate Tennis.

Two hundred and four of the three hundred and sixty-five colleges in the United States are co-educational.

In the intercollegiate tennis tournament on Saturday, Gunnison of Dartmouth defeated Walles of Amherst 6-1, 6-0, 6-1.

A movement has been started at the University of Pennsylvania, to found a travelling fellowship in architecture. The fund will yield $1,000 annually to the holder, and will be held one year.
