
Interscholastic Sports.

Hopkinson's School Wins the Cup.

The seventh annual championship meeting of the New England Interscholastic Athletic Association was held yesterday afternoon on Holmes Field. The weather was as nearly perfect as could be desired, and the track was in the best of condition. Four records were broken, a new record was established, and nearly all of the events were closely contested. The audience was quite large, numbering over 800, and was very patient whenever any waits occured. On the whole the meeting was conducted with great dispatch, the last event being finished by five o'clock. Thirteen schools succeed in winning a place, and the point won by each were as follows:

1st. 2ds. 3rds Total p.

Hopkinson's, 5 5 3 38

Brookline High, 5 1 1 28

Worcester High, 2 3 2 18


Roxbury Latin, 1 1 0 7

English High, 1 0 0 5

Chauncey Hall, 0 1 2 4

Allen's, 0 1 1 3

Noble's, 0 1 0 2

Browne & Nichols', 0 0 2 2

Belmont, 0 1 0 2

Boston Latin, 0 0 1 1

Milton, 0 0 1 1

Dalzell's, 0 0 1 1
