The great inconvenience, occasioned applicants to the Dining Association by standing in line several hours in front of Memorial Hall, has prompted the Board of Directors to make the following rules which will go into effect next fall:
All members of the University wishing to engage board for the year '92-'93 must make applications in writing to the Auditor before September 21st, unless they are now members of the Association, in which case they can sign the book at the Auditor's desk. All places not applied for this spring will be assigned by lot. The result of the drawing will be posted before the re-opening of the hall, which will be Sept. 28. Applications for club tables must be made before June 21. By a recent vote of the Board, the number of men required to apply for a club table must be at least two less the number which the table seats. In order to re-engage club tables, the same number of names are required, but they must include at least six of the original club members. The tables will be assigned in the order in which the applications are received, unless there are more applications than there are tables to be assigned, in which case there will be an allotment. The first three club tables at the right of the aisle have been reserved and if necessary will be converted into general tables next fall.
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