Saturday was a great day for Harvard's athletics. She won a ball game with Princeton, and in the first big out-door games which she has thrown open to the amateur athletic world, her own men covered themselves with credit. The more interesting of the two events was the game with Princeton. This match has for some time been looked forward to by those interested in intercollegiate contests as being the first time for three years that nines of Harvard and Princeton have had a chance to meet and prove their respective merits. The contest has come and gone and Harvard still stands superior.
The nine is to be warmly congratulated for making so successful a beginning. And it is practically the beginning of the important part of the season. The games which have been played with the other colleges, though they may have been harder games to win, sometimes even to lose, do not really hold the same place in the minds of the college or in the record of the base ball season as the games with Yale and Princeton. There is something in the traditions of three other larger colleges which binds them together within boundaries which the smaller colleges cannot pass. These bounds have this year been strengthened by firm, mutuai friendship, and it is to be strongly desired that this spirit of friendly, amateur rivalry may long exist.
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