AN opportunity will be given those expecting to leave the University this year, who had gymnasium photographs taken four years ago, to have others taken today between 9 and 2 o'clock in the Cary Athletic Building.
THE following men will please be on Holmes field at 1 p.m. sharp to act as ushers at the Invitation Athletic Meeting: R. Saltonstall, I. Amory, Ezra Lincoln, H. B. Frost, C. C. Walker, J. H. Kidder, E. White, W. M. Weed, J. C. Powers, D. Gray, L. Barr, H. Whitney.
W. C. FORBES.'93 NINE. - Practice on Norton's Field at 3 sharp.
'92 NINE. - The following men will be dressed at the gym at 2.30 sharp, to play the C. M. T. S.: Codman, Hollis, Rankin, Thorndike, Pillsbury, Curtis, Brown, and Stetson.
P. L. SPALDING.ITALIAN 4. - Professor Norton will not meet his class in Dante, this morning.
H. A. A. - Competitors in this afternoon's games can be examined between 12 and 1.
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Official Notice.