A. J. Cumnock '91 was in town yesterday.
Republican Clubs have been organized at Bowdoin and Bates.
A base ball club has been organized by members of the Foxcroft Club.
The Ogontz graduates of Chicago have formed an Alumnae Association.
Columbia has twenty men at the training table for the Mott Haven games.
The New York Tribune, Sun and Times, have 111 college men on their staffs.
Members of English A must read one of Sir Walter Scott's works before May 21.
There are 119 elective courses open to juniors and seniors in the academic department at Yale.
Pictures of the 'varsity nine of Princeton will shortly appear in Frank Leslie's Magazine.
William Vaughn Moody has been elected editor-in-chief of the Monthly in place of R. M. Lovett, resigned.
Both sections, 9 and 10 o'clock of section B, Political Economy 1 will meet in Upper Dane on Monday at 9 o'clock.
The banjo club and a quartette from the glee club will assist at the play of the Conference Francaise on Monday evening.
Stone, Oliver, Hancock and DeLodg of the Fencing Club, are the men who will represent Harvard at the B. A. A. fencing contest.
An unpublished translation of part of Goethe's Faust by Longfellow was recently read by Professor Francke in German 5.
The B. A. A. competitions for the Milton cup, which were to have been held Wednesday, have been postponed till early in June.
There will be a meeting at Chicago, in May, of representatives from college fraternities to perfect plans for a collective exhibit at the World's Fair.
Besides the list of courses of instruction for the Summer School which the CRIMSON published some days ago, elocution, draughting and descriptive geometry are to be taught.
The election of officers at the final meeting of the Harvard Union, resulted in the election of the following officers: F. W. Dallinger '93, president; A. B. Keeler '94, vice president; H. A. Bull '95, secretary.
C. K. Adams, President of Cornell University has sent his resignation to the chairman of the Board of Trustees. The resignation is owing to the differences in regard to matters of administrative importance.
Most of the University of Pennsylvania nine think that Harvard is stronger than either Yale or Princeton in batting, and about as good in the field. Princeton, they say, fields well, but is weak at the bat. - Ex.
Governor McKinley, Chauncey M. Depew, Judge Thurston, and General Alger are some of the speakers who will be present at the convention of College Republican Clu+++ at Ann Arbor on May 17. General Alger will act as toastmaster.
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