H. A. A. - Competitors in Saturday's games can obtain red bands at the gymnasium, Saturday morning.
2tSIGNET. - There will be a regular meeting of the Signet this evening at 9.15 sharp. Business.
SECRETARY.NINETY-THREE - Be at the ball game today to support Ninety-five.
THE Junior Dance will be held in Pierce Hall on Friday evening, May sixth.
H. U. B. C. - All men using the Carey Building not members of the 'varsity nine are requested not to use the baths after the games, while the nine is dressing.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM, Capt.H. A. A. - Reserved seats for May 7th Athletic Meeting have been put on sale at Clough & Shackley's, cor. Beacon and Charles streets, Boston. No seats will be reserved for holders of H. A. A. members tickets.
O. K. - Initiation of first eight from '93 at 11 Matthews, Friday, May 6th, at 8 p.m. Graduates of the society are invited to be present.
Pach Bros. desire us to announce that seniors will confer a favor by paying for their photographs on delivery.
'92 PHOTO. COM.Appointments have been made at Pach Bros. for the following men who must sit this week: R. L. Agassiz, H. R. Allen, Jr., C. Beardsley, Jr., A. E. Benson, R. I. Carter, P. H. Conlan, B. Cook, Jr., T. C. Tebbetts, L. Thompson, H. Whitcomb, E. V. Wilcox, H. F. Willard, H. Wood, E. Wrenn.
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Football Squad.