

CONFERENCE FRANCAISE. - Rehearsal of principals at Prof. Sumichrast's house at 3.30, and full rehearsal at Brattle Hall at 7.45.

HOWARD C. SMITH.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Important rehearsal and business meeting at 7 in new quarters.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Regular meeting from 2 till 5. Cups will be shot for.

'93 NINE. - The following men will be on Nortons, at 3 o'clock sharp: Collamore, Dinsmore, Winsor, Fearing, Dolan, Manley, Stubbs, Conro, Sanborn, MacLaughlin, Farquhar, Burgess and Miller.

C. MERRIAM, Cap.'94 NINE. - The following men must be out on Holmes Field today at 3.30 sharp: Clark, H. Cabot, Hapgood, Quigley, Frothingham, Gale, Linfield, Harding, Gray, P. Cobot, Beals.


J. B. LOWELL, Capt.O. K. - Initiation of first eight from '93 in 6 Thayer, Friday, May 6th, at 7.30. Graduates come.

'92 NINE. - Practice on Norton's Field at 3.30 sharp.

H. A. A. - Competitors in Saturday's games use the Carey Building. No call will be given at the gymnasium.

2tH. A. A. - Men must obtain Dr. Sargents' permission to compete.

'94 NOTICE. - All sophomores are expected to be on Jarvis Field this afternoon to give their class nine the rousing support they deserve.
