
Game with Princeton.

The nine will leave Harvard square for Princeton, this morning at ten o'clock. They will take the eleven o'clock express on the Boston & Albany, arriving in New York, at 5.30 p.m. They will then go directly to the Windor Hotel, where they will spend the night. A special car for the nine will leave New York at 11.10 Saturday morning, arriving at Princeton at 1.17.

Over thirty men have signed to go to the game, and a special section will be reserved for Harvard.

The make up of the nine is not yet definitely settled, but the following men will be taken: Dickinson, Frothingham, Cook, Hovey, Paine, Hallowell, Corbett, Highlands, Mason, Bates, Upton, Wiggin, Cobb and Soule.

It will be a great encouragement to the nine, if a crowd gives them a hearty sendoff when they leave Harvard square.
