POLITICAL ECONOMY 1a, 1b, 4, 8; History 13. First Year Pleading, Property, and Contracts. Tutoring.
Hollis 2.LOST. - A small note book containing three admission tickets and reserved seats numbers 368, 369, 370, J section for the Princeton game. The finder will receive a reward on returning them to 9 Story St.
MRS. ROBT. RAYNER will be glad to receive applications for board from Annex students on and after 30th May, at 153 Mount Auburn Street, Corner of Ash Street.
3t eod.WANTED. - Next Autumn in a first-class boy's family school in California, a teacher of Modern Languages. Salary $750 and home. Also in the same school, a teacher of Sciences and Mathematics. Salary $1,000 and home. Harvard graduates desired. Apply in person to Hiram Orcutt, Manager.
N. E. Bureau of Education,
3 Somerset St., Boston.HISTORY 13 and 27; Political Economy 1, Div. A, 5 and 8 Tutoring. F. W. Dallinger. Send postal to 384 Broadway, or call at 43 College House.
2tPOL. ECON. - 4, 1; English 2; German A, C, 1a, 1b; French A, 1a; Latin A, B, C; Greek A, B, C, 2, F; Math. B, E. Tutoring.
11-12 a. m.; 6-7 p. m.
3 Stoughton.
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