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THERE will be a very important meeting of the '92 Phi Beta Kappa in Sever 5, Thursday evening, May 26 at 7.30. Every member must be present.



Secretary.H. U. C. A. - Office hours Monday and Friday 10-11 and 1.30-2.30. Tuesday and Thursday, 9-10. Everyone who has subscribed $3.50 or more to the Cycling Association can obtain his shingle and member's ticket at any of above hours.

T. R. KIMBALL, Secretary,7 Linden St.DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN CLUB. - A book has been left at Leavitt & Peirce's, by signing which and paying fifty cents any Democrat in the University may become a member of the Democratic Campaign Club. The office hours of the secretary will be from eleven to one, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 42 Beck Hall.


M. E. INGALLS,Sec. and Treas.SPRING TOURNAMENT. - Open to all members of the University. Entries for both singles and doubles, (entrance fee $1.00 for each man), can be made in the blue book at Leavitt & Peirce's. Entries close May 21st, at 6 p. m. All men who desire to have their names considered for the Leagues next year should enter this tournament. First second and consolation prizes will be given.


T. HOPPIN, Sec. H. L. T. A.
