
The Graduate Club.

The last meeting of the year was held Friday evening, and was addressed by Professor J. M. Peirce. During the year, the following men have addressed the Club. Professor F. Bocher, Dr. Tarbell, President Eliot, Professor Norton, Mr. Thomas Sargent Perry of Boston, and Professor Wendell. The Club has had the most successful year in its history, having an active membership of 88 from the Graduate School. It has done a great deal to bring together socially the graduate students at Harvard.

Officers for 1892-93 were elected Friday night, and are as follows: President, H. D. Foster, Dartmouth '85; vice president, C. B. Davenport, Harvard '89; secretary, C. M. Bakewell, University of California '89; treasurer, E. P. Morton, Illinois College '90.
