WANTED. - Next Autumn in a first-class boy's family school in California, a teacher of Modern Languages. Salary $750 and home. Also in the same school, a teacher of Sciences and Mathematics. Salary $1,000 and home. Harvard graduates desired. Apply in person to Hiram Orcutt, Manager.
N. E. Bureau of Education,
3 Somerset St., Boston.HISTORY 13 and 27; Political Economy 1, Div. A, 5 and 8 Tutoring. F. W. Dallinger. Send postal to 384 Broadway, or call at 43 College House.
2tLOST. - Taken from 24 Holyoke St., Friday last, spring overcoat, rubber coat, 2 briar pipes. If returned to Leavitt & Peirce, $20 paid and no questions asked. Address communications to Leavitt & Peirce.
POL. ECON. - 4, 1; English 2; German A, C, 1a, 1b; French A, 1a; Latin A, B, C; Greek A, B, C, 2, F; Math. B, E. Tutoring.
11-12 a.m.; 6-7 p.m.
3 Stoughton.TO LET. - A very desirable sunny room for 1892-93, in private family. Within one block of Beck Hall.
Address B. F., Crimson office.THE Cambridge School, (private-for girls), affords an opportunity for the education of sisters of students. They may be accommodated in Margaret Winthrop Hall. The school is at 20 Mason Street. The Director is Mr. Arthur Gilman. His office is at 10 Garden Street.
67-9tTHE Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, give a concert at Trinity M. E. Church, High Street, Charlestown, Thursday evening May 26, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. of that church. The young ladies are planning to do the ushering wearing Harvard colors. Reserved seats may be ordered by mail from A. W. Paine, 20 Dock sq., Boston.
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Pierian Spring Concert.