

FRESHMAN NINE. - All candidates for the '95 nine be at 5 Beck at 2 p.m. sharp.

WADSWORTH, Capt.CLASS GAME. - Will the men who were marshals in the game last Wednesday please be on Jarvis at 4 sharp.

P. L. SPALDING.'92 NINE. - The following men must be on Jarvis at 3.30 sharp so as to get some practice before the game: Hollis, Codman, Young, Rankin, H. Wood, Curtis, Brown, Lake, Cummin, Allen, Pillsbury, Stetson.

P. L. SPALDING.FRESHMAN CREW COLLECTORS. - Important meeting this evening at 47 Weld at 7 p.m. sharp. Please bring money, receipt books and lists. All are requested to be present.

EARL BROWN.H. U. C. A. - Office hours Monday and Friday 10-11 and 1.30-2.30. Tuesday and Thursday, 9-10. Everyone who has subscribed $3.50 or more to the Cycling Association can obtain his shingle and member's ticket at any of above hours.


T. R. KIMBALL, Secretary,7 Linden St.
