The Yale commencement exercises will be held on the 30th of June.
The music of the Hasty Pudding Opera will be published about May 26.
The University of Oxford has appliances for printing 150 different languages.
A double quartet from the Glee Club will sing at the Country Club May 23.
Senator John Read will deliver the Memorial Day address in Sanders Theatre this year.
Bloss, Evins, Shead and Coombs will represent the B. A. A. at the Manhattan Games today.
At the first meeting of the Trinity athletic team Monday, six college records were broken.
$33,000 has been subscribed for the New York Harvard Club, thus assuring the erection of a new club house.
The retiring board of the Yale Record has given a banquet to the incoming '93 board.
It is said that two younger but equally gigantic brothers of Heffelfinger will enter Yale next fall.
The Yale Glee Club is to give a crew concert in the hall of the Madison Square Garden, New York, for the benefit of the 'varsity crew.
P. L. Horne '92 and E. C. Morey Gr., with two others, will conduct the Students' Club of Mt. Desert at Seal Harbor this summer.
Next year Yale will have a college dining hall. The old gymnasium will probably be used until funds for better accommodations are secured.
The Interscholastic Field Games will be held on Holmes Field, Friday, June 10, at 2 p. m. instead of on the date that was previously arranged.
The freshman crews of Columbia and Cornell will race at Ithaca on June 8. Univ. of Penn. and Cornell freshmen June 15 at the same place.
A hotel called the Princeton Inn is to be built at Princeton for the accommodation of visitors to the college. The grounds include six and a quarter acres and the cost of the whole is estimated at $100,000.
Prof. Jacob Gould Schurman was elected president of Cornell University, to take the place of Dr. Adams. Prof. Schurman has been at the head of the Sage School of of Philosophy.
The triangular race between Columbia, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania has been given up on account of the impossibility of arranging a date to suit all crews.
At the convention for the organization of the American Republican College League, held at Ann Arbor, delegates were present from about thirty colleges. The following are the officers elected: President, James E. Burke, University of Michigan; secretary, James M. Perkins, Harvard; treasurer, McAlpin, Princeton.
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