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One of the striking instances of the generosity of the university appears this morning in the large list of fellowships and graduate scholarships. When a university is able to offer as an aid to high students over eighteen thousand dollars it may well be proud of its position. The graduate scholarships play an important part in the education of the country. Unless a man is fairly well off it is very hard for him to afford to give up beginning to earn his living as soon as he leaves college, and instead to devote a few more years to his education. Were it not for this generous aid which Harvard is able to hold out, many of those who now reap the great advantages which the university offers in the way of higher education would have to give up their dream of scholarship and content themselves with the education they received in college. It is needless to point out what a difference this would make in the education of a large part of the country. When it is considered that the great number of those who study in the graduate school, in their turn become the educators of the next generation, the importance of giving all who wish it the opportunities of a higher education can hardly be overestimated.
