
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale and Princeton base ball managements have decided to play the third and last game of their championship series whether there is a tie or not. The game will be played in New York on June 18.

At a recent meeting of the Harvard Club of New York it was voted that the manager be given time to adapt a design for a Harvard Club medal, to be given to members of winning crews, nines, elevens and teams.

The Exeter ball team's new suits are of gray flannel, with Exeter in crimson across the front. The sweaters are crimson, with broad collars, and a large "E' in white. The caps are of crimson with extra wide visors.

J. A. Garland has presented to Harvard a mineralogical collection of 8 uncut gems, each the finest of its kind. Among them are a giant crystal of emerald and a diamond of perfect octahedral form and of great size. Its weight is ninety carats.

At the annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Foot Ball Association held last week, these officers were elected: President, Vance C. McCormick, Yale; secretary, M. Newton, Wesleyan; treasurer, Philip King, Princeton. The championship was formally awarded to Yale, and it was voted to continue the present membership intact another season.


The Brokaw memorial building at Prince ton is to be built of Indiana limestone and will be modern Renaissance in style. There will be an arched hallway passing directly through the middle and on each side will be the locker rooms, which will occupy the main floor for the most part. In the basement will be baths and a swimming tank, which latter is planned especially for water polo. The athletic field surrounding the building will be of sufficient size to contain two foot ball fields, a base ball diamond and several tennis courts.
