

There will be a special meeting of the CRIMSON board at 1 today.

CRICKET. - The following men will meet at Bartlett's at 1.30 sharp to take barge for Mystic: Garrett, Mac Veagh, Chew, Dinsmore, Kaulbach, Bates, Pool, Griswold, Smith, Wells, Skinner.

C. ST. C. SKINNER, Captain.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB rehearsal this afternoon at 4.00 o'clock.

B. WELLS, Sec.'92 NINE. - The following men must be on Jarvis at 3.30 sharp so as to get practice before the game begins: Hollis, Codman, Young, Rankin, H. Wood, Curtis, Brown, Lake, Allen, Stetson, Thorndike and Pillsbury.

P. L. SPALDING.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE. - Meeting this evening in No. 8 Roberts Block, Brattle Street. Election of officers for the ensuing year.


WM. HOWARD GARLAND,Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsals this evening at 7, and Thursday afternoon at 1.30. Those cutting will not play in the concert.
