LOST. - Note Book in History 1. Also reading notes and Creightons Age of Elizabeth. Please leave at Leavitt & Peirce's.
JOHN CASWELL.LOST. - Two sleeve buttons, one silver and platinum, and the other enamel. Please return to 19 Hastings.
THE Cambridge School, (private-for girls), affords an opportunity for the education of sisters of students. They may be accommodated in Margaret Winthrop Hall. The school is at 20 Mason Street. The Director is Mr. Arthur Gilman. His office is at 10 Garden Street.
67-9tPOLITICAL ECONOMY 1a, 1b, 4, 8; History 13. First Year Pleading, Property, and Contracts. Tutoring.
J. A. BAILEY,67-6t
Hollis 2.THE National Pure Food Co.'s Soups on exhibition at my store this week special invitation to Harvard students to test their merits free. Frank P. Merrill, Harvard Square.
Two suites or four furnished rooms for rent in a strictly private family with table board. Instructors or upper-class men preferred. None need apply but those wishing a good quiet home. For particulars address, D. CRIMSON office.
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