
Special Notice.

FOUND. - A sum of money. Apply to Foster & Co.

GEOLOGY 4. - A very few copies left of Natural History 4 (Geology 4). When these are sold no more can be obtained. Wm. H. Wheeler, 418 Harvard St.

MEN who received postals from me last week will find their caps and gowns at the store of the Co-operative Society.


A. R. CRANDELL.LOST. - At Harvard-Cornell game, or in the college yard, a pair of gold spectacles in leather case. Finder will be rewarded on returning same to Leavitt & Peirce.


THE Cambridge School, (private-for girls), affords an opportunity for the education of sisters of students. They may be accommodated in Margaret Winthrop Hall. The school is at 20 Mason Street. The Director is Mr. Arthur Gilman. His office is at 10 Garden Street.

67-9tPOLITICAL ECONOMY 1a, 1b, 4, 8; History 13. First Year Pleading, Property, and Contracts. Tutoring.



Hollis 2.LOST. - A gold hunting case watch with a chain. Finder please return to 22 Beck.

65-3tFOR SALE. - A New Cape Cat Boat, 20 feet water line. For particulars, enquire at 10 Holyoke House, Cambridge.

65-4tTHE National Pure Food Co.'s Soups on exhibition at my store this week special invitation to Harvard students to test their merits free. Frank P. Merrill, Harvard Square.
