

WILL those seniors who have not not yet filled out the secretary's blanks kindly attend to them as early as possible? New blanks can be obtained, if wanted.

A. R. BENNER.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal this afternoon at 4.30 in 1 Weld.

B. WELLS, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock.

B. WELLS, Sec.PRESS DINNER. - If enough men sign the blue-book at Leavitt's before the fifteenth, the Press dinner will take place on Tuesday evening the 31st, the night after the Princeton game. The cost will be between $2.50 and $3 per plate. CRIMSON, Monthly, Advocate and Lampoon.

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Rev. Leighton Parks will address the meeting tonight at 6.45 o'clock. Election of officers will follow. A full attendance is especially desired.


WALTER C. DOUGLAS, JR.,Recording Secretary.'92 NINE. - The following men must be on Jarvis at 3 30 sharp to play Hopkinson: Hollis, Codman, Young, Rankin, Thorndike, Pillsbury, Curtis, Brown, Lake, Cummin and Allen.

P. L. SPALDING.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Practice today at three. Regular shoot Friday.

SPRING TOURNAMENT. - Open to all members of the University. Entries for both singles and doubles, (entrance fee $1.00 for each man), can be made in the blue book at Leavitt & Peirce's. Entries close May 21st, at 6 p. m. All men who desire to have their names considered for the Leagues should enter this tournament.


T. HOPPIN, Sec. H. L. T. A.H. A. A. - 'Varsity meeting, May 13, at 3 p. m. Entries close with secretary, May 11, at 10 p. m. Entries will be received at the Gymnasium, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 11 to 1.

R. B. BEALS, Sec.,


23 Weld
