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We notice that at the head of the announcement for the final examinations there still stands the old regulation rexuiring the students to hand in their own blue books. While regretting that a regulation which has undergone so much criticism needs still another work of condemnation, we feel that we ought to speak out against it at this particular time in order that the regulation may be changed before it has a chance to work more mischief in the final examinations. Apart from general ideas on the subject we are led strongly to believe in the harm worked by the present system of having the men hand in their own examination blue books from a circumstance which we had occasion to see at the mid-year examinations. It had come time to begin the examination and the blue books of a large portion of the class, fully twenty, could not be present. They had been mislaid and yet it was time for the examination to begin. If one of the students had not come to the rescue with a fresh supply of blue books, it would have been difficult to get the men to work for some time at least, and there is no knowing what an important difference it might have meant to the men in the results of the examination. This is but an instance of the many cases in which trouble of this sort is liable to arise from a continuance of the present system.

While we have thus far merely considered the trouble that is apt to arise from the mislaying or miscarriage of books which have been handed in, there always exists that possibility, yes, even probability, that certain men will forget to hand in their blue books at all. This has been pointed out so often and so forcibly that it is needless to dwell on it here. What we do advocate is that the college authorities, beginning with this year's final examinations, shall eliminate with the present chances for serious mistakes, by providing the blue books at the time of the examination. Let them, if they will, add a slight item to the term bill to cover the extra expense incurred, but let them by all means take this step to make the machinery of examinations run more smoothly and with more certainty.
