
Fact and Rumor.

Entries for Friday's games close today.

No Mott Haven men are allowed to enter the games at the B. A. A. today.

There will be an hour examination in Professor Nash's section of Spanish 1 on Friday.

Students of Oberlin are to run a hotel at the World's Fair to get money for a gymnasium.

President Dwight of Yale announces in his annual report gifts to the University amounting to $373,860.37, and accessions to the library during the year of 8,730 volumes, and 29,000 pamphlets.


L. P. Sheldon, holder of the World's record for the standing high jump, enters Yale next fall.

Twenty-two candidates have presented themselves for Second Year Honors and five for Final Honors.

Since the first of April Harvard has defeated Lehigh, Fordhams, U. of Penn, Tufts and Brown at base ball. - Ex.

The proposed team race between the four classes, which was to take place at the 'varsity games on Friday, has been given up.

Mr. Weld, the giver, and Mr. Forbes, one of the trustees of the Weld Boat House, have offered to give the prizes for the race for organized fours.

The Harvard Club of Philadelphia has extended to the members of the cricket eleven the use of the club rooms during their visit to Philadelphia.

The new Technology dormitory on the corner of St. Botolph and Harcourt streets will be four stories high and built of brick and sandstone, and a cafe will be run in connection with it.

J. P. Lee and E. C. Moen, both Harvard '91, are in the Columbia Law School, and will compete in the Princeton-Columbia games, but will not run against Harvard in the Mott Haven games.

The Yale University Boat Club has elected the following officers: President, Derby Rogers '93, of New York city; vice-president, G. S. Treadwell of New York city; secretary, W. F. McMillan of Detroit.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will have a new building for the Architectural department. It will be situated near the Engineering building on Trinity terrace. The size of the new structure will be 70 x 58 feet, 5 stories high and cost $50 000. Work on the foundation has already commenced in order to insure its completion by Sept. 1.
