
Phi Beta Kappa Elections.

On Saturday evening, April 2, the first eight of the '92 Phi Beta Kappa elected the following seventeen men to complete the number of members from the class of '92:

C. R. Cummings,

R. C. Robbins,

W. S. Burrage,

J. Allen,


C. H. Arnold,

H. F. Hollis,

C. H. Dow,

C. C. Closson,

G. A. Eaton,

J. F. Morton,

T. C. Smith,

F. T. Hammond,

W. T. Brewster,

T. F. Patterson,

H. McK. Landon,

G. F. McKelleget,

R. R. Perry.

The following men were also elected to constitute the first eight from the class of '93:

D. S. Muzzey,

W. V. Moody,

S. M. Ballou,

F. G. Jackson,

R. G. Dodge,

B. L. Hand,

H. Ware,

H. H. Cook.

The officers chosen by the first eight from '92 are: A. R. Benner, Recording Secretary; R. M. Lovett, First Marshal; S. Adams, Second Marshal. The undergraduate dinner will be held in the latter part of April. W. F. Harris was elected toast-master; D. S. Muzzey, poet; and W. V. Moody, orator for the dinner.

It was voted that the immediate members recommend to the Graduate Society, in June, that some method be provided for choosing to membership men who pass through college on what is known as the three years plan.
