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With the game on Norton's field yesterday afternoon the foot ball season has ended. The work this spring has been very valuable, for the men have gone at it earnestly as if they realized that it was actual preparation for the fight next fall. A good deal of new material has been worked into shape, so that the field to draw from next year will be all the richer. Not only have new men and old been put through daily practice in the game, but they have been taught the science of foot ball. The faithful work which has been put on the sport this spring ought to bear good fruit in the fall. Harvard is working to win, and has begun early, but none to early to draw out the best material from the college. The men deserve praise for the earnest way in which they have taken hold of the work, even at this early date; and above all, the thanks of the whole college go out to Captain Trafford for his untiring energy in developing the best eleven that Harvard can produce.
