
Crew Notes.

The crew men are rejoicing in this fine weather. Saturday was the best day this season for good, effective work, and all the five crews seemed to make the most of it. The 'varsity crew was without its coach yesterday. Five or six men were taken out for a few minutes in pair-oars, then Slade was placed at No. 7, and Kelton watched his crew from the launch for about an hour. Then getting into his old place, the crew took a long stretch to the boat-house. As a whole, the crew seems to be rowing fairly well for this season of the year. There are a number of individual faults, and the men are not together as well as is desired, but by earnest work, it is hoped that great improvements may be made within the next two weeks. The order is as follows:

Stroke, Ninde, '93.

7 Kelton, '93.

6 Acton, M. S.

5 Waters, '94.


4 Lynam, M. S.

3 Cummings, '93.

2 Winthrop, L. S.

Bow, Newell, 94.

Substitutes, Rantoul and Slade.

The freshman crew went to the training table yesterday. Jones '92 seems to be doing pretty effective work with them. They have improved steadily since they went upon the water. The time and blade work looks good - quite as good as any freshman crew for years at this time. The stroke is very short and the men row into their laps. Grant, at No. 5, seems to be the man who is keeping the crew from doing its best work. It was thought that he would be the backbone of the crew; but at present he sadly weakens the crew. He must give way to a man who is very much weaker if he does not improve rapidly. Yesterday he gave signs of improving. He ought to "take a big brace." The order: Stroke, Davis; 7, Purdon; 6, Cook; 5, Grant; 4, Potter; 3, Briggs; 2, Richardson; bow, Caameron.

'92 crew is doing very vigorous and effective work. It is improving rapidly. The blade work is pretty good. As a whole the crew lacks strength; but if it keeps up its present rate of improvement it will make up for its lack of strength with greater skill. It has been without a coach till Rantoul has assisted within a few days. The order: Stroke, Watriss; 7, Weed; 6, Steedman; 5, Hunt; 4, Hubbard; 3, Kidder; 2, Frost; bow, Young or Agassiz. Perry the coach has been sick, but will be out in a few days.

'93 is the best class crew on the river today. Davis, 93, is coaching. It rows a faster stroke, and is more advanced. Order: Stroke, Burgess; 7, Miller; 6, Earle; 5, Pike; 4, Keyes; 3, Ellsworth; 2, Bisbee; bow, Brewer.

'94 has the best set of men, but has been unfortunate, in that several men have been sick, or otherwise in trouble. The crew is rather crude in its work. It is weak in the waists of the boat. Order: Stroke, Bond; 7, Johnson; 6, Williams; 5, Saltonstall; 4, Loring, 3, Davis; 2, Thompson; bow, Hechscher.
