
School of Applied Ethics.

The second annual session of the School of Applied Ethics will be held this year at Plymouth, Mass., beginning on July 6, and lasting for six weeks. Professor Toy of Harvard will take charge of the school, and will be assisted by Professor H. C. Adams of the University of Michigan, Professor Felix Adler, of New York, and a number of prominent professors.

The scheme of studies is divided into three heads, - History or Religions, Economics, and Ethics. The week-day lectures in the department of the History of Religions will be devoted, for the most part, to the study of religious ideas of the Hebrews. Among the lecturers on this subjects are Professor Moore of Andover, Dr. Jackson of Columbia, Dr. Hirsch, of Chicago, and others.

In Economics, Professor Taussig will lecture on the Functions of Law in Social Progress. Father Huntington of New York, Hon. Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of Labor at Washington, Professor Adams of the University of Michigan, and Professor Giddings of Bryn Mawr, will all take charge of courses in this department.

The principal course in the department of Ethics will be under the supervision of William Wallace, M. A., Whyte's Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford, England. He will deliver a course of fifteen lectures on the Variations of the Moral Standard, illustrated by the History of Ethical Theories. In addition to this there will be a number of shorter courses, covering the subject quite fully.
