

NATIONAL CONVENTION. - Men wanting tickets, and chairmen of delegations wanting further information, will please call at Weld 38, from 9 to 2 today.

THERE will be a caucus of the Pennsylvania delegates to the National Convention this evening, at 7 o'clock in U. 20. Let all Pennsylvania men attend.

Per order Chairman.'93 NINE. - The following men will be on Norton's Field at 4 o'clock, to play English High: Dinsmore, Winsor, Manley, Dolan, Stubbs, Conro, Sanborn, Farquhar and Gilmore.

ALL SENIORS who intend to take part in the Class Day exercises must wear cap and gown. Those who have not yet been measured must have their orders at the store of the Co-operative Society before May 1, since measurements will not be taken after that date.

CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.FRESHMAN BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. - Members must be at car station, Harvard square, at 6.45 tonight. Car leaves for Watertown at a few minutes before 7 o'clock.

