
Class Base Ball Championship.

The schedule of games for the class championship at Harvard has been arranged as follows: Seniors vs. juniors, May 5, 10 and 12; sophomores vs. freshmen, May 6, 9 and 16. Winners of these series will play the deciding games on May 18, 20 and 24.

The umpires will be hired by the 'varsity management, and will be the same professional umpires employed now by the 'varsity nine. Bond and Walbridge will probably fill the positions.

The regulations governing the series of class games are published below:

1. The class championship shall be contested in three series of three games each.

2. The championship shall be awarded to the team winning two series of games.


3. The team winning two of the three games of a series shall be considered the winner of that series.

4. Each member of the winning team shall receive a cup suitably engraved.

5. The teams to play together in the first two series shall be chosen by lot. The winners of these two series shall then play together for the championship.

6. Any team failing to appear ready to play any scheduled game at the appointed time, shall forfeit the game to the opposing nine.

7. The captain of the 'varsity team shall decide upon the umpire. To these umpires, games shall be assigned before the first championship game.

8. No umpire shall be a member or substitute of the 'varsity nine, or of either of the competing classes.

9. Umpires shall have full power in deciding the postponment of games, or in calling games on account of darkness.

10. Games shall be postponed on account of bad weather only.

11. The umpires shall have full power, in case of intentional delay by any nine, to declare the game forfeited to the opposing nine.

12. All games shall be played under the rules adopted by the H. U. B. B. A.

13. Points of discussion or detail, not decided by the four captains, shall be decided by the captain of the 'varsity nine.

14. The CRIMSON shall appoint the official scorer.

15. The management of the 'varsity nine agrees to furnish two balls for each game.

16. The cups shall be on exhibition at Leavitt & Peirce's.
