
Special Notice.

Instruction in all the German courses and conversation. For particulars address.



11 Holyoke.Will the man who picked up the six dollars I dropped in Leavitt & Pierce's at 6.30 Monday evening, please return five of the sum to B. F. G. care of Leavitt & Pierce.

FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a fine old violin, also a valuable bow. Would accept a violin worth $50 in part payment.


L. B. WILLIAMS,42 Bigelow St.Will the man who took the new neck-less sweater from the seat on the left of the entrance to the shower bath in the gym, please return it to Jimmie.

If the man who took the tennis cover marked A. L. from the tennis courts last week, will return it to 19 Hastings, he will receive his own in return.

PROFESSOR LOISETTE will give personal instruction in his "Art of Never Forgetting," provided one hundred subscribers send in their names before Saturday, April 30th. The lessons will be three in number, to be given in Cambridge in three successive weeks in May. The fee is five dollars, payable in advance, and subscription books are open at Sever's and the Cooperative Society. The proceeds of these lessons will be given by Professor Loisette to the psychological laboratory of the University.
