

H. U. B. C. - All canoes and boats belonging to private individuals, and stored in the Harvard boat house will be confiscated according to the laws of the H. U. B. C. unless the storage dues are paid before May 1.

SAMUEL C. DAVIS,Treas. H. U. B. C.FRENCH 6 - The theme due May 1, will not be required before May 6.

F. C. DE SUMICHRAST.HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - The club will hold scratch races on Tuesday, May 3d. The crews will be drawn by lot from all the entries. Course, a quarter of a mile. Sign at boat house or at Leavitt & Pierce's, before 1.15 on Monday, May 2d. Fee, 25c.

FRENCH 1a. - May 1, falling on a Sunday, themes will be due May 3, but no credit will be given for themes handed in after that date.

Pach Bros. desire us to announce that seniors will confer a favor by paying for their photographs on delivery.


'92 PHOTO. COM.H. A. A. - Entries for May 7th meeting close with the Secretary, Wednesday, April 27, at 10 p. m. Entries will be received at the gymnasium, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 11 to 1. Entrance fee 50 cents for each event. All entries must be made on official entry blanks.

R. B. BEALS, Sec.,Weld 23.
