
The New Yale Gymnasium.

Yale's new gymnasium will be finished in June, and it is said to be the finest in this country, if not in the world.

The exterior is a renaissance application of the Romanesque style, and gives an imposing idea of the strength and massiveness of the structure. The interior will contain all the modern appliances that can be thought of, to facilitate the study of the calisthenic art.

The finest marble from Carrara has been used in the construction of each of the rooms. The first floor, aside from the spacious vestibule of white marble which runs the whole width of the building, is devoted to baths, rowing and swimming tanks. The rowing tanks, two in number, are 50x27 feet and 7 feet deep, each surrounded by white marble ambulatories four feet wide. The swimming tank of the same size is also surrounded with marble ambulatories and lounging galleries wainscotted five feet high all around with Italian marble, and is graded so as to be from five to eight feet deep. Steam injectors are furnished so as to secure a uniform temperature.

In connection with this is the tepidarium, containing showers, steam and hot air baths, together with massage rooms. The cooling room will contain a marble drinking fountain, open fire place, and all the requirements for rest after bathing. The lockers for the crews are on the same floor with this. On the second story are the general locker rooms, which will contain about one thousand lockers, finished in hard wood, and provided with toilet rooms of marble.

The entire third story is devoted to an exercise hall with an elevated running track, one-sixteenth of a mile in length. The size of the room will be about 100x80 feet.


In the basement are the bowling alleys, several bathing tubs, and the engines of the circulatory blower, which changes the entire atmosphere every hour.

The architect is Mr. E. E. Gandolfo of New York. The building stands diagonally opposite the Peabody Museum, on Elm street.
