DEAR CRIMSON. - The Harvard graduates who were in Rome last Friday, wish me to send you an account of the organization of the Harvard Club of Rome, and of its first (and last) dinner.
Hoping that you can find room for it in your columns, believe me,
Yours sincerely,RALPH L EMERSON '91.ROME, FRIDAY, April 8, 1892.The Caffe de Roma was this evening the scene of the first dinner of the Harvard Club of Rome. For the first time its walls rang with the words of "Fair Harvard," "The Irish Jubilee," and "Finnegan the Umpire." W. B. S. Clymer '76, was toast-master. There were also present B. C. Weld '89, R. H. Weld Jr., '90, J. A. Blanchard '91, Matthew Luce Jr., '91, Jacob Wendell Jr., '91, R. L. Emerson '91.
Toasts were drunk to the success of the nine and crew, to the class of '92, and to Harvard's last baby '95.
Wendell rendered "O'Grady's Goat" in such a thrilling manner that grave doubts were expressed lest the troops be called in to suppress a revolution.
All speeches on "What we did in China, Honolulu, India, or the Holy Land" were barred to the two Welds and Blanchard, while Luce was forbidden to give any of his experiences as "The Yankee who has been the farthest into Afghanistan."
After the dinner the club, at the kind invitation of Mr. Elihu Veddar, the eminent artist, adjourned to his studio, where they were entertained by more songs from Wendell and amusing stories from Mr. Samuel Clemens, better known as "Mark Twain."
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