
Special Notice.

PROFESSOR LOISETTE will give personal instruction in his "Art of Never Forgetting," provided one hundred subscribers send in their names before Saturday, April 30th. The lessons will be three in number, to be given in Cambridge in three successive weeks in May. The fee is five dollars, payable in advance, and subscription books are open at Sever's and the Cooperative Society. The proceeds of these lessons will be given by Professor Loisette to the psychological laboratory of the University.

Pleasant suite or single rooms, at 38 Quincy street, for ensuing year. Apply for information at 7 Brown street, one door from Brattle street.

Pleasant, well furnished rooms, eight minutes walk from the Law School, for rent, in strictly private family, for ensuing year, at moderate prices. Address S.

THE house on the north-west corner of Ash and Mount Auburn Street has changed hands, and rooms in it will be let to students. New owner expects to be in possession by the middle of May.

53-2t eod.

