

HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - The club will hold scratch races on Tuesday, May 3d. The crews will be drawn by lot from all the entries. Course, a quarter of a mile. Sign at boat house or at Leavitt & Pierce's, before 1.15 on Monday, May 2d. Fee, 25c.

HARVARD FFNCING CLUB. - There will be a smoker at the club rooms on Wednesday, the 27th, at 7.15 p.m.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 4.30.

HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION. - Sever 10, Monday, April 25, at 6 45 p.m. Rev. James DeNormandie will speak. Subject: "The Insufficiency of Ethics." All members of the university cordially invited.

CHAS. C. RAMSAY, Pres.'92 NINE. - Everyone who can will be on Jarvis at 11. Those who cannot come at 11 will come at 12. Practice on Norton's, at 3.30.


HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal this afternoon at 24 Hastings at 4 p.m. Fines in order from now on.

H. W. PATTERSON,Secretary.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal this afternoon at 5 o'clock.

B. WELLS, Sec.Pach Bros. desire us to announce that seniors will confer a favor by paying for their photographs on delivery.

