
Y. M. C. A. Meeting.

The "Northfield Meeting" of the Y. M. C. A., was held last night, to discuss and form plans to get a large Harvard delegation to go to the meeting this coming July. The Northfield Conference was started seven years ago, with over two hundred men in attendance. Each year more colleges have sent delegations, until last summer over five hundred men were present, representing one hundred and twenty-five colleges and universities, both American and foreign. The coming conference will be much more interesting than any previous ones have been. Many prominent divines have been secured to address the conference, among the most prominent of whom are: Rev. Wilton Merle Smith. D. D., of New York; Rev. Frank Bristol, D. D., of Chicago; President Gates, of Amherst; Rev. A. J. Gordon, of Boston; Rev. Henry Clay Trumbull, of Phila; Bishop J. M. Thoburn; Anthony Comstock, of New York; and Major D. W. Whittle, of Chicago.

The work undertaken at the conference is somewhat as follows:

The morning and evening is devoted to large meetings, at which addresses are made by the various preachers and prominent men. The afternoons are entirely given up to athletics, under Stagg's leadership. There is ample opportunity for tennis, swimming, riding, etc., for all the men.

It is the earnest desire of the committee, that the delegation from Harvard should be especially large. The conference lasts eleven days, from July 2d to 13th, the total expense for the meeting being $17, with reduced rates on all the railroads.
