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The committee of the Y. M. C. A., is endeavoring to arrange for a large delegation of Harvard men to be present at the Northfield Conference, this summer, to represent, as far as possible, the true position of Harvard in the religious world. It is difficult to convey a true impression of the great interest of the Northfield meeting to men who have never attended them. But it is an assured fact that no one can once attend, and not be thoroughly interested in the movement. In addition to the presence of a large number of prominent athletes, such as Stagg and Williams of Yale, from the various large universities, the addresses of such men as Dr. Smith, Dr. Trumbull, Dr. Gordon, Mr. Speer of Princeton, and others, are of the most interesting and helpful kind. The attendance of Harvard men is especially urged, and it is probable that Prof. Palmer, and possibly Dr. McKenzie, will be present and address the meeting. The committee of the Y. M. C. A. will be very glad to give any information to such as may think of going to Northfield.
