
Fact and Rumor.

Williams College has instituted a course of lectures on hypnotism.

Syracuse University has dedicated a $25,000 Y. M. C. A. building.

A national base ball association has been formed in England.

Mr. J Pierpont Morgan has given $500,000 to New York trade schools.

About sixty Princeton men will enter the intercollegiate games at Philadelphia.


The University of Virginia is to erect a gymnasium costing $40,000.

The junior nine beat the Cambridge High and Latin School yesterday afternoon, 8 to 2, in a six inning game.

The first assembly of the term at Exeter will be given in the gymnasium Friday evening.

The candidates for the Princeton athletic team, kept up their regular training during the Easter recess.

The Yale Glee and Banjo clubs returned to New Haven yesterday from their Easter trip.

The N. Y. Clipper for this week, contains a portrait of E. B. Bloss '94, with a short account of his athletic career.

R. M. Lovett '92, and Miss S. C. Hart of the Annex, have been elected to the executive committee of the newly founded Old South Historical Society.

The Associate Alumni of Cornell are to erect a building upon the university campus for the use of the alumni visiting at the university.

Taylor cottage, the new Andover dormitory, is finished, and ready for occupancy. No one using tobacco will be permitted to occupy the rooms.

The oldest and largest medical school in America, is that of the University of Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1765, and has graduated 10,458 men. - Ex.

Augustus A. Hayes, '57, recently died in Paris. He was one of the founders of Life, and has gained considerable reputation as a writer of clever stories, and as a contributor to various magazines.

On Wednesday, Staten Island A. C. defeated Yale, 6 to 5; Manhattan A. C. defeated Yale '95, 8 to 7; University of Pennsylvania defeated Lafayette, 18 to 5.

Eighty men applied for positions yesterday to Dr. Boas, who has charge of the measurement of Indians for the World's Fair. From this number about eight men will be chosen.
