
American Collegiate Field Tournament.

The Athletic Field Tournament for American colleges will be held at Philadelphia under the auspices of the Athletic Club of the Schuylkill Navy, on May 17 and 18. The events are as follows: 100 yards run, 220 yards, quarter mile, half mile, one mile walk, running high jump, running broad jump, pole leaping, putting 16 pound shot and hammer, bicycle race, 2 miles (safety); hurdle race, 120 yds., 10 hurdles 3ft. 6in.; 200 yds, 10 hurdles, 2 ft. 6 in. On May 18, base ball and lacrosse will be the events. There will be no entrance fees, and college graduates will be permitted to enter. An auxiliary committee will be appointed, composed of one member from each college that will be represented, and any college that desires to accept the invitation is requested to send at once the name of its delegate. Entries must be made to W. S. Sheard, P. O. box 768, Philadelphia, before May 3.
